
Each and every Baxter Home is individually designed and engineered for your site. There are a number of steps in the process that happen behind the scenes to ensure your home is built to ALL Building and Australian Standards.

01 Design

Even standard designs are redesigned for your specific block. Our home designer is an architect to ensure that even from the beginning, the design will go on to meet all Building and Australian Standards.

02 Surveying

Not strictly engineering, these consultants are critical to the site setout and final product. All our surveyors are accredited with decades of experience. 

Also about this time we do a number of site drills to examine the specific site soil. This is critical to the later design of the foundations.

03 Foundations

Baxter typically use a waffle pod system. This effectively makes the slab more rigid and therefore stronger. 

Underpinning the slab are typically what we call screw piles. Our accredited Civil engineering consultants ensure that the entire structure is certified for the site conditions, soil and home design.

04 Roof and Trusses

3D analysis allows for detailed modelling of the home structure under both neutral load conditions and more importantly, under the required wind loadings for your specific site. Some sites are windier than others.  

Click here to see an example.

Legal framework for the Building code and Australian Standards

Building regulations are constantly evolving and changing. Applicable construction and Australian Standards Baxter work to are as follows:

  • NSW State Government legislation relating to residential standards references the National Construction Code (NCC)
  • The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is contained within the National Construction Code (NCC) and provides the minimum necessary requirements for safety, health, amenity and sustainability in the design and construction of new buildings (and new building work in existing buildings) throughout Australia.
  • Building Code of Australia (Volumes 1 and 2 of the NCC) under licence from the Australian Building Codes Board. Volume 1 pertains to Commercial Buildings (Class 2-9 Buildings) and Volume 2 pertains to Residential Buildings (Class 1 and 10 Buildings).
  • The Building Code of Australia (BCA) references the relevant Australian standards.

Further information on the framework is in this handy HIA link.